Source code for jgrapht.algorithms.isomorphism

from .. import backend as _backend

from .._internals._mapping import _JGraphTGraphMapping, _JGraphTGraphMappingIterator

from .._internals._anyhashableg import _is_anyhashable_graph
from .._internals._anyhashableg_mapping import (

[docs]def vf2(graph1, graph2): r"""The VF2 algorithm for detection of isomorphism between two graphs. * Cordella et al. A (sub)graph isomorphism algorithm for matching large graphs (2004), DOI:10.1109/TPAMI.2004.75 This implementation of the VF2 algorithm does not support graphs with multiple-edges. .. note :: Graph mappings are represented using :py:class:`.GraphMapping` instances :param graph1: the first graph :param graph2: the second graph :returns: an iterator over graph mappings if the graphs are isomorphic, otherwise None """ exists, map_it_handle = _backend.jgrapht_isomorphism_exec_vf2( graph1.handle, graph2.handle ) if not exists: return None if _is_anyhashable_graph(graph1) or _is_anyhashable_graph(graph2): return _AnyHashableGraphMappingIterator( handle=map_it_handle, graph1=graph1, graph2=graph2 ) else: return _JGraphTGraphMappingIterator( handle=map_it_handle, graph1=graph1, graph2=graph2 )
[docs]def vf2_subgraph(graph1, graph2): r"""The VF2 algorithm for detection of subgraph isomorphism between two graphs. * Cordella et al. A (sub)graph isomorphism algorithm for matching large graphs (2004), DOI:10.1109/TPAMI.2004.75 This implementation of the VF2 algorithm does not support graphs with multiple-edges. .. note :: Graph mappings are represented using :py:class:`.GraphMapping` instances .. warning :: This algorithm only finds isomorphisms between a smaller graph and all `induced subgraphs <>`_ of a larger graph. It does **not** find isomorphisms between the smaller graph and arbitrary subgraphs of the larger graph. :param graph1: the first graph :param graph2: the second graph :returns: an iterator over graph mappings if the graphs are isomorphic, otherwise None """ exists, map_it_handle = _backend.jgrapht_isomorphism_exec_vf2_subgraph( graph1.handle, graph2.handle ) if not exists: return None if _is_anyhashable_graph(graph1) or _is_anyhashable_graph(graph2): return _AnyHashableGraphMappingIterator( handle=map_it_handle, graph1=graph1, graph2=graph2 ) else: return _JGraphTGraphMappingIterator( handle=map_it_handle, graph1=graph1, graph2=graph2 )