Source code for jgrapht.algorithms.independent

from .. import backend as _backend

from .._internals._collections import _JGraphTIntegerSet

from .._internals._anyhashableg import _is_anyhashable_graph
from .._internals._anyhashableg_collections import _AnyHashableGraphVertexSet

[docs]def chordal_max_independent_set(graph): r"""Find a maximum independent set in a chordal graph. The algorithms first computes a perfect elimination ordering and then a maximum independent set. Running time :math:`\mathcal{O}(n+m)`. :param graph: the chordal graph. If the graph is not chordal an error is raised :returns: an independent set as a vertex set """ res = _backend.jgrapht_independent_set_exec_chordal_max_independent_set( graph.handle ) if _is_anyhashable_graph(graph): return _AnyHashableGraphVertexSet(res, graph) else: return _JGraphTIntegerSet(res)