Source code for jgrapht.algorithms.cliques

from .. import backend as _backend

from .._internals._collections import (

from .._internals._anyhashableg import _is_anyhashable_graph
from .._internals._anyhashableg_collections import (

[docs]def bron_kerbosch(graph, timeout=0): """Bron-Kerbosch maximal clique enumeration algorithm. Implementation of the Bron-Kerbosch clique enumeration algorithm as described in: * R. Samudrala and J. Moult. A graph-theoretic algorithm for comparative modeling of protein structure. Journal of Molecular Biology, 279(1):287--302, 1998. The algorithm first computes all maximal cliques and then returns the result to the user. A timeout (in seconds) can be set using the parameters. :param graph: The input graph which should be simple :param timeout: Timeout in seconds. No timeout if zero :returns: An iterator over maximal cliques """ custom = [timeout] res = _backend.jgrapht_clique_exec_bron_kerbosch(graph.handle, *custom) if _is_anyhashable_graph(graph): return _AnyHashableGraphVertexSetIterator(res, graph) else: return _JGraphTIntegerSetIterator(res)
[docs]def bron_kerbosch_with_pivot(graph, timeout=0): r"""Bron-Kerbosch maximal clique enumeration algorithm with pivot. The pivoting follows the rule from the paper: * E. Tomita, A. Tanaka, and H. Takahashi. The worst-case time complexity for generating all maximal cliques and computational experiments. Theor. Comput. Sci. 363(1):28–42, 2006. where the authors show that using that rule guarantees that the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm has worst-case running time :math:`\mathcal{O}(3^{n/3})` where :math:`n` is the number of vertices of the graph, excluding time to write the output, which is worst-case optimal. The algorithm first computes all maximal cliques and then returns the result to the user. A timeout (in seconds) can be set using the parameters. :param graph: The input graph which should be simple :param timeout: Timeout in seconds. No timeout if zero :returns: An iterator over maximal cliques """ custom = [timeout] res = _backend.jgrapht_clique_exec_bron_kerbosch_pivot(graph.handle, *custom) if _is_anyhashable_graph(graph): return _AnyHashableGraphVertexSetIterator(res, graph) else: return _JGraphTIntegerSetIterator(res)
[docs]def bron_kerbosch_with_degeneracy_ordering(graph, timeout=0): r"""Bron-Kerbosch maximal clique enumeration algorithm with pivot and degeneracy ordering. The algorithm is a variant of the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm which apart from the pivoting uses a degeneracy ordering of the vertices. The algorithm is described in * David Eppstein, Maarten Löffler and Darren Strash. Listing All Maximal Cliques in Sparse Graphs in Near-Optimal Time. Algorithms and Computation: 21st International Symposium (ISSAC), 403--414, 2010. and has running time :math:`\mathcal{O}(d n 3^{d/3})` where :math:`n` is the number of vertices of the graph and :math:`d` is the degeneracy of the graph. The algorithm looks for a maximal clique parameterized by degeneracy, a frequently-used measure of the sparseness of a graph that is closely related to other common sparsity measures such as arboricity and thickness, and that has previously been used for other fixed-parameter problems. The algorithm first computes all maximal cliques and then returns the result to the user. A timeout (in seconds) can be set using the parameters. :param graph: The input graph which should be simple :param timeout: Timeout in seconds. No timeout if zero :returns: An iterator over maximal cliques """ custom = [timeout] res = _backend.jgrapht_clique_exec_bron_kerbosch_pivot_degeneracy_ordering( graph.handle, *custom ) if _is_anyhashable_graph(graph): return _AnyHashableGraphVertexSetIterator(res, graph) else: return _JGraphTIntegerSetIterator(res)
[docs]def chordal_max_clique(graph): r"""Find a maximum clique in a chordal graph. The algorithms first computes a perfect elimination ordering and then a maximum clique. Running time :math:`\mathcal{O}(n+m)`. :param graph: the chordal graph. If the graph is not chordal an error is raised :returns: a clique as a vertex set """ res = _backend.jgrapht_clique_exec_chordal_max_clique(graph.handle) if _is_anyhashable_graph(graph): return _AnyHashableGraphVertexSet(res, graph) else: return _JGraphTIntegerSet(res)