Source code for jgrapht.algorithms.tour

import time

from .. import backend as _backend

from .._internals._paths import _JGraphTGraphPath

from .._internals._anyhashableg import _is_anyhashable_graph
from .._internals._anyhashableg_paths import _AnyHashableGraphGraphPath

def _wrap_result(graph, graph_path_handle):
    if _is_anyhashable_graph(graph):
        return _AnyHashableGraphGraphPath(graph_path_handle, graph)
        return _JGraphTGraphPath(graph_path_handle, graph)

[docs]def tsp_random(graph, seed=None): """Compute a random Hamiltonian cycle. This is a simple unoptimized solution to the Travelling Salesman Problem, suitable for a starting point in optimizing using the two-opt heuristic. :param graph: the input graph. Must be undirected and complete :param seed: seed for the random number generator. If None then the seed is chosen based on the current time :returns: A random tour :rtype: :py:class:`.GraphPath` """ if seed is None: seed = int(time.time()) graph_path_handle = _backend.jgrapht_tour_tsp_random(graph.handle, seed) return _wrap_result(graph, graph_path_handle)
[docs]def tsp_greedy_heuristic(graph): r""" Construct a tour greedily. The algorithm repeatedly selects the shortest edge and adds it to the tour as long as it doesn’t create a cycle with less than :math:`n` edges, or increases the degree of any node to more that two. The runtime complexity is :math:`\mathcal{O}(n^2 \log n)`. :param graph: the input graph. Must be undirected and complete :returns: a greedy tour :rtype: :py:class:`.GraphPath` """ graph_path_handle = _backend.jgrapht_tour_tsp_greedy_heuristic(graph.handle) return _wrap_result(graph, graph_path_handle)
[docs]def tsp_nearest_insertion_heuristic(graph): r"""The nearest insertion heuristic algorithm for the TSP problem. The runtime complexity is :math:`\mathcal{O}(n^2)`. :param graph: the input graph. Must be undirected and complete :returns: a tour :rtype: :py:class:`.GraphPath` """ graph_path_handle = _backend.jgrapht_tour_tsp_nearest_insertion_heuristic( graph.handle ) return _wrap_result(graph, graph_path_handle)
[docs]def tsp_nearest_neighbor_heuristic(graph, seed=None): r"""The nearest neighbour heuristic algorithm for the TSP problem. The runtime complexity is :math:`\mathcal{O}(n^2)`. :param graph: the input graph. Must be undirected and complete :param seed: seed for the random number generator, use system time if None :returns: a tour :rtype: :py:class:`.GraphPath` """ if seed is None: seed = int(time.time()) graph_path_handle = _backend.jgrapht_tour_tsp_nearest_neighbor_heuristic( graph.handle, seed ) return _wrap_result(graph, graph_path_handle)
[docs]def metric_tsp_christofides(graph): r"""The Christofides 3/2 approximation algorithm for the metric TSP. For details see: * Christofides, N.: Worst-case analysis of a new heuristic for the travelling salesman problem. Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University (1976). Running time :math:`\mathcal{O}(n^3 m)`. :param graph: The input graph. Must be undirected, complete and satisfy the triangle inequality. :returns: a tour which is a 3/2 approximation :rtype: :py:class:`.GraphPath` """ graph_path_handle = _backend.jgrapht_tour_metric_tsp_christofides(graph.handle) return _wrap_result(graph, graph_path_handle)
[docs]def metric_tsp_two_approx(graph): r"""A 2 approximation algorithm for the metrix TSP. This is an implementation of the folklore algorithm which returns a depth-first ordering of the minimum spanning tree. The algorithm is a 2-approximation assuming that the instance satisfies the triangle inequality. The implementation requires the input graph to be undirected and complete. The running time is :math:`\mathcal{O}(n^2 \log n)`. :param graph: the input graph. Must be undirected, complete and satisfy the triangle inequality :returns: a tour which is a 2-approximation :rtype: :py:class:`.GraphPath` """ graph_path_handle = _backend.jgrapht_tour_metric_tsp_two_approx(graph.handle) return _wrap_result(graph, graph_path_handle)
[docs]def tsp_held_karp(graph): r"""A dynamic programming algorithm for the TSP. Finds an optimal, minimum-cost Hamiltonian tour. Running time is :math:`\mathcal{O}(2^n \times n^2)` and space :math:`\mathcal{O}(2^n \times n)`. :param graph: the input graph. Must be undirected and complete :returns: an optimal tour :rtype: :py:class:`.GraphPath` """ graph_path_handle = _backend.jgrapht_tour_tsp_held_karp(graph.handle) return _wrap_result(graph, graph_path_handle)
[docs]def hamiltonian_palmer(graph): r"""Palmer's algorithm for computing Hamiltonian cycles in graphs that meet Ore's condition. Running time :math:`\mathcal{O}(n^2)`. :param graph: the input graph. Must be simple and meet Ore's condition. :returns: a hamiltonian cycle :rtype: :py:class:`.GraphPath` """ graph_path_handle = _backend.jgrapht_tour_hamiltonian_palmer(graph.handle) return _wrap_result(graph, graph_path_handle)
[docs]def tsp_two_opt_heuristic(graph, k=1, min_cost_improvement=0.0001, seed=None): """The 2-opt heuristic algorithm for the TSP problem. This is an implementation of the 2-opt improvement heuristic algorithm. The algorithm generates k initial tours and then iteratively improves the tours until a local minimum is reached. In each iteration it applies the best possible 2-opt move which means to find the best pair of edges (i,i+1) and (j,j+1) such that replacing them with (i,j) and (i+1,j+1) minimizes the tour length. The default initial tours are constructed randomly. :param graph: the input graph. Must be undirected and complete :param k: how many initial tours to generate :param min_cost_improvement: minimum cost improvement per iteration :param seed: seed for the random number generator, use system time if None :returns: a tour :rtype: :py:class:`.GraphPath` """ if seed is None: seed = int(time.time()) custom = [k, min_cost_improvement, seed] graph_path_handle = _backend.jgrapht_tour_tsp_two_opt_heuristic( graph.handle, *custom ) return _wrap_result(graph, graph_path_handle)
[docs]def tsp_two_opt_heuristic_improve(graph_path, min_cost_improvement=0.0001, seed=None): """Improve a tour using the 2-opt heuristic for the TSP problem. This is an implementation of the 2-opt improvement heuristic algorithm. The algorithm takes as input a tour and then iteratively improves the tour until a local minimum is reached. In each iteration it applies the best possible 2-opt move which means to find the best pair of edges (i,i+1) and (j,j+1) such that replacing them with (i,j) and (i+1,j+1) minimizes the tour length. :param graph: the input tour, instance of :py:class:`.GraphPath` :param min_cost_improvement: minimum cost improvement per iteration :param seed: seed for the random number generator, use system time if None :returns: a tour :rtype: :py:class:`.GraphPath` """ if seed is None: seed = int(time.time()) new_graph_path_handle = _backend.jgrapht_tour_tsp_two_opt_heuristic_improve( graph_path.handle, min_cost_improvement, seed ) graph = graph_path.graph if _is_anyhashable_graph(graph): return _AnyHashableGraphGraphPath(new_graph_path_handle, graph) else: return _JGraphTGraphPath(new_graph_path_handle, graph)